NUKKAD Exhibition resulting from a Delhi Photo Festival student workshop in association with Aarohan conducted by Anshika Varma and Vidura Jang Bahadur

I AM FROM Casual enquiries on “Where am I From?” makes me wonder about the idea of home itself. Student, National Institute of Design, India

HUMANAE - WORK IN PROGRESS Humanae intends to deploy a chromatic range of the different human skin colours. It reflects on the dual meanings containing the word identity: that is associated with equality.

THE WORLD AROUND US Arjen Schmitz explores the flipside of development and progress. His work focuses on highlighting how economic growth reduces the attention for living and working comfort to a minimum.

PERFECT CITIZEN These images seek to remove the inner consciousness and resurrect “the human being with a voice and sight, with the ability to hear and thus, one who possesses a criteria.”

URBAN MOUNTAINS The developing world has seen the most radical migrations to cities. Huge mountains of waste are creating a new looming landscape in the outskirts of these cities. Student, National Institute of Design, India

MY NAME IS CAMILA AND I LOVE MY LIFE Camilla is affected by Muscular Dystrophy since she was 3 years old. This is not a story about a disability but about being a woman, a mother and a girlfriend struggling every day. Student ,Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark

SUNDAY SOLDIERS World War II is still very much a part of Britain's collective consciousness, and the act of reenactment is deeply personal.

RESTRICTED AREAS The project "Restricted Areas" is about the human impulse towards utopia, about our striving for perfection through technological progress.

ON THE IDENTITY OF A TOMATO PICKER I went to Grand Ghetto countryside near Foggia, Italy, with the intention of documenting the harsh living conditions of the thousands of African immigrants that work in the fields picking tomatoes.

EXABYTES To some people, let’s just call them gamers, the world consists of bits and bytes. The virtual reality merges with the real world. Student , Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute, Bangladesh

IN THE BAG FOR NORTH Central American immigrants continue to enter illegally and undisturbed in Mexico. I have explored what a person who decides to face this perilous passage chooses to bring with him in his bag.

WAITING FOR BETTER DAYS This project depicts the daily life of an Iranian Balouchi family, in a city which suffers from severe poverty, with lots of jobless people, and addicted youth. Student , Faculty of Fine Arts, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi

THE BUFFALO THAT COULD NOT DREAM This project is about the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation in Montana, USA. It focuses on how and where the Native Americans live, as well as their struggle trying to maintain their century old culture. Student, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences & Arts, Germany

BY THE RIVER He traces the lives of a group of Vietnamese sex slaves trapped in a Phomn Penh brothel.

WAR DREAMS What do you see when you close your eyes?A simple question was asked to a group of soldiers of a military base near Donetsk, prior their departure for the front line of the Ukrainian war.

MORPHOSIS Morphosis is a study of the common human behaviour where an individual changes form and shapes itself via external means.

BORDERS As the product of political and economic processes, the contemporary landscape has evolved today to disappear into its own constraints. Borders studies the urban / rural frontier in France. Curator: Vivan Sundaram

SWEDISH DADS No other country provides such generous terms of parental leave as Sweden. The current system allows parents to stay at home with their child.

BEST IN SHOW Karan Vaid’s interest in exploring sub-cultures in his country led him to revisit India’s show dog community.

MÄDCHENLAND (KINGDOM OF GIRLS) In the state of Meghalaya in India, the Khasi people form the majority of the population. Here, it is the women who are the forefront of the family. Curator: Orijit Sen

COWBOY LIFE This is a story about cowboy culture. About a special kind of people, who live the lives of real cowboys, and as it turns out, there are plenty around. Student, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark

BANGLADESH – A BRUTAL BIRTH Bangladesh was India's legendary photojournalist Parekh’s highest point. In just a two week period, he produced a startling set of images that became a powerful statement of the agonizing birth of a new nation.

JUST THE TWO OF US Who hasn't had the desire just to become someone else for a while? Dressing up is a way of creating an alter ego and a second skin, to which one can adjust their behavior.

THE OTHER HOME Požega Penitentiary is the only female prison in Croatia. I try to show the complex way of women’s lives, deprived of their liberty. Student, Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, Croatia

PHNOM PENH OF THE FUTURE In April 1975, the city of Phnom Penh was falling, emptying of its inhabitants. Forty years later the scars are barely visible and peace seems to be well established.

OF JOURNALS AND JOURNEYS Curated by BIND A site specific exhibition of Atlas Monographs, a photobook comprised of eight riveting journals that echoe the articulate lyricism of Pam’s multifaceted visual language.

ONE LAST PLAYGROUND This is a story of a fantasy world of a group of children. The place will soon be transformed into a construction site. This is the only remaining playground for the local children. Student, Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute, Bangladesh

ISSUE # 1, FEAR The fear of war, the lack of freedom or education, the fear of not making it or not being accepted. From Libya, Pakistan, Ukraine or Spain, this issue approaches different aspects of fear through the lenses of the founders of the magazine.

ROHINGYA Since they lost citizenship the Rohingya Muslims have been exposed to something resembling ethnic cleansing. The now live in the government-controlled camps for internally displaced people. Student, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark

THE TWO LABYRINTHS (WORK IN PROGRESS) This series explores its most blatant legend: landscape and its representation. Landscape, the romantic subject, most often expresses itself as breathtaking.

A NATION OUTSIDE A NATION ‘A Nation outside a Nation’ captures movement in the Netherlands. The subjects I photograph often live as domestic workers who are the targets of Dutch crackdowns on illegal immigration.

THE OTHER Culmann incarnates himself in the form of self-portraits, using the various techniques of iconographic creation commonly used in India, in order to recreate the building process of self-image . Courtesy: Institut Francais en Inde

THE ALBUM Images of family and friends from the photographer's personal album.

SANGUINITY What makes Sanguinity more striking is that the subject is the artist’s father. During the last three years of his father’s life, Das became his primary caretaker. Student, Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute, Bangladesh

THE PHOTOBOOK AS ART OBJECT – AN EXHIBITION OF HANDMADE PHOTOBOOKS The photobook has been experiencing an unbelievable rise in its significance, especially in the digital media age. The desire for tactile experience has driven it to unimaginable heights.

THE SOCHI PROJECT: An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus. From 2009 through 2014, photographer Rob Hornstra and journalist Arnold van Bruggen traveled to Sochi, Russia, and the surrounding regions in the midst of its preparation for the 2014 Winter Games and in advance of the glare of international media attention.

CLOSETS FULL OF DREAMS A look into the closets of women in Egypt, showing their dreams, fears and stories in a society where women face danger, sexual harassment and oppression in the street every day. Student, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark

100 YEARS My mother Cecilia is 100 years old; she is still engaged to life; she thinks positively and with her great sense of humour she proves that there is another possible way of ageing.

LOVE ME OR KILL ME ‘Dhallywood’, the Bangladeshi film industry based in Dhaka has fallen out of favour among the richer classes, who prefer foreign films. Yet it produces around 100 movies a year. Curator: Aradhana Seth

THE OTHER Culmann incarnates himself in the form of self-portraits, using the various techniques of iconographic creation commonly used in India, in order to recreate the building process of self-image Courtesy: Institut Francais en Inde

THE ALBUM Images of family and friends from India's most celebrated photographer's personal album.

SANGUINITY What makes Sanguinity more striking is that the subject is the artist’s father. During the last three years of his father’s life, Das became his primary caretaker. Student, Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute, Bangladesh

THE PHOTOBOOK AS ART OBJECT – AN EXHIBITION OF HANDMADE PHOTOBOOKS The photobook has been experiencing an unbelievable rise in its significance, especially in the digital media age. The desire for tactile experience has driven it to unimaginable heights. Courtesy: Austrian Cultural Forum, New Delhi

THE SOCHI PROJECT: An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus. From 2009 through 2014, photographer Rob Hornstra and journalist Arnold van Bruggen traveled to Sochi, Russia, and the surrounding regions in the midst of its preparation for the 2014 Winter Games and in advance of the glare of international media attention.

CLOSETS FULL OF DREAMS A look into the closets of women in Egypt, showing their dreams, fears and stories in a society where women face danger, sexual harassment and oppression in the street every day. Student, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark

100 YEARS My mother Cecilia is 100 years old; she is still engaged to life; she thinks positively and with her great sense of humour she proves that there is another possible way of ageing.

LOVE ME OR KILL ME ‘Dhallywood’, the Bangladeshi film industry based in Dhaka has fallen out of favour among the richer classes, who prefer foreign films. Yet it produces around 100 movies a year. Exhibition Design: Aradhana Seth

SAFE HAVEN Safe Haven focuses on the process of modernization and development in urban spaces in Iraq, and the role of its multi-ethnic inhabitants who are connected to the occurring changes.

WHITE ELEPHANT Chenggong in China is the largest ghost city in the whole of Asia. In order to build it, villages were demolished, people were forced to sell their lands and leave, destroying the traditional way of life. Student, Pathshala, South Asian Media Institute, Bangladesh

ANGST In 2008, I dropped out of college. Angst is my reaction to the trial through which weaklings must pass in our society.

CONTAINED ‘Contained’ is series of staged documentary photographs and sociological interviews of taxi drivers in Palestine affected by the "security wall".

WHERE THEY BELONG I first visited Mahan forest in March 2013. The portraits made in Mahan, celebrate the legacy of individuals who sustain the environment, culture and dignity in their way of life.

INCIPIENT STRANGERS Siblings can be incipient strangers. Even siblings sharing the same blood can become distant and turn into strangers as they each grow and forge their own path in life.

National Museum with The Alkazi Foundation for the Arts
IMAGING THE ISLE ACROSS: Vintage Photography from Ceylon
Drawn exclusively from the Alkazi Collection of Photography, the exhibition is an overview of the early vintage photography from Sri Lanka.
National Museum, Janpath, New Delhi

Manoj Kumar Jain
THE FORGOTTEN FRAMES: A Photographic Voyage with the People of Bastar
The exhibition shows black and white photographs of tribal from Bastar, the unique and beautiful heart of India.
All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society, 1, New Delhi
Nazes Afroz
BEHIND THE VEIL: The Other Afghanistan
Taken between 2001 and 2014, these images portray an Afghanistan, which is little known outside.
Galerie Romain Rolland, Alliance Française de Delhi

Alan Rubin | Amber Kidner | Timothy Steadman
ASPIRE: Views from American Photographers based in Delhi
Three American photographers living in Delhi explore the Delhi Photo Festival's theme of “Aspire” each with their own unique perspective.
American Center New Delhi

Antonio Martinelli
LE CORBUSIER IN CHANDIGARH & AHMEDABAD: A Journey Through Time, 1975-2014
This exhibition showcases the evolution and development of Le Corbusier’s Chandigarh over a span of 40 years.
Art Heritage Gallery, Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi

Ostkreuz School of Photography – Aras Goekten | Katarzyna Mazur | Katharina Ira Allenberg | Torben Geeck | Yana Wernicke
Presented by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller, this exhibition is curated from the Ostkreuz School of Photograph & Agency, Berlin, one of Germany’s most important and renowned photography agencies.
IIC Annexe, Lodi Estate, New Delhi

Centro di Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia (CRAF)
To mark the fortieth death anniversary of the writer and director Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Italian Embassy Cultural Centre New Delhi presents a series of photographs taken during the production of his films.
Italian Embassy Cultural Centre, New Delhi

Japan Foundation
Selected works by 19 emerging & mid-career Indian & Japanese artists and collectives working in media arts, that are intended to function as an anthology of tales.
The Japan Foundation, New Delhi

British Council, in association with Alkazi Foundation, with special thanks to Street Level Gallery
An initiative of the British Council to explore socio-cultural exchanges between India and the UK through photography and writing.
The Gallery, British Council, 17, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi

Ronny Sen
Presented by the Polish Institute, Ronny Sen’s new work from an old city called Gdańsk in Poland. With a common burden of a communist history and taking a cue from Kieślowski’s ‘The Three Colors Trilogy’ he responds to the Polish winter through individual shades.
LATITUDE 28, New Delhi

SACAC Graduate Photography Exhibition 2015
‘Aspirations’ showcases the encounters of young photographers with the socioeconomic and cultural realities of India, while investigating and revealing their intimate ideas, private stories & personal dilemmas.
Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication, New Delhi

Museum of Fine Arts of La Chaux-de-Fonds
This travelling exhibition, presented by the Embassy of Switzerland in India, portrays how Le Corbusier considered photography in a much broader perspective: as a means of artistic creation.
Embassy of Switzerland in India, New Delhi

The Deepak Puri Collection
Showcasing works from over 30 photographers this exhibit by TASVEER brings together photographs made momentous by both their content and style, and highlights the wealth of the world that the best of photojournalism brings to us.
Exhibit 320, New Delhi

A selection of 21 projects and artists previously featured on the Tasveer Journal online, are re-presented in this special print version and exhibition that highlights the versatility and polysemic nature of the medium.
1After320, New Delhi

Kanika Anand (Curator)
I see you see me explores the performative nature of both, the artist’s self-portrait and the smartphone captured selfie.
Parked @ Gallery Threshold, New Delhi

Vidya Shivadas (Curator)
OFF THE RECORD: Meditations on the Photographic Image
The exhibition, containing works of 10 artists, engages with the photographic paradigm – it present a series of images about images, that speak of relationship between photography and painting as much as photography and ephemeral art forms like performance art, and installation, and video.
Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi

This exhibition shows large works of 12 photographers.
Wonderwall, New Delhi

Fausto Giaccone
MACONDO: The World of Gabriel García Márquez
A travel through the world of Gabriel García Márquez.
Instituto Cervantes de Nueva Delhi, New Delhi

Alejandro Gómez de Tuddo
INDIA 50/50
India 50/50 is a travel art project comprised of 50 photographs taken over 50 days.
Instituto Cervantes de Nueva Delhi, New Delhi

Ana Dominguez Lombard
A travel through the world of Gabriel García Márquez.
Instituto Cervantes de Nueva Delhi, New Delhi

Cristina García Rodero
A retrospective of her works right from the first of her photographic endeavors through the end of the seventies till today.
Instituto Cervantes de Nueva Delhi, New Delhi

Bhupendra Karia
A portfolio of 18 masterfully-crafted prints, taken in the 1960s and 1970s, documenting Bhupendra Karia's interest in rural villages, creative traditions, and his unique view of India.
Apparao Galleries -The Lodhi, New Delhi

Madhavan Palaniswamy & George K
Artists use a narrative in 2 different ways. Madhavan deals with the idea of love in a series of portraits while George K uses the dramatic interior images of the central jail in Chennai.
Apparao Galleries -The Lodhi, New Delhi

PIX Vol. 12: Special Issue on Afghanistan
A unique exhibit featuring the works of 12 photographers attempting to show an image of Afghanistan beyond the headlines.
Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delhi

Roger Ballen
This exhibition draws upon photographs from three series — Outland, Shadow Chamber and Asylum of the Birds and includes a film directed by Ballen, I Fink U Freeky, which has over 72 million hits on You Tube.
Photoink, New Delhi

Martushka Fromeast / Mukesh Khugsal / Curated by Ula Kahul
The documentary pictures present commemorate rituals on Nanda Devi, the bliss-giving Goddess of Uttarakhand believed to be the consort of Lord Shiva.
Polish Institute, New Delhi

Galleryske & The University of Chicago Centre
Contemporary photographic works from the University of Chicago that respond to current events and media imagery.
Galleryske & UChicago Center, New Delhi